Blog1 Coca-Cola and Mcdonald's creative billboard

    Hello everyone. In this blog, I will introduce two billboards and consider the brand message, unique selling proposition, and brand value.  


Coca-Cola — SASSO* | Branding & Advertising Agency :: Marketing, Digital, Websites, Social, Media, Design | Baton Rouge, Louisiana (

    The first one is Coca-Cola's billboard. On the billboard, there is a bottle of zero sugar Coca-Cola in the center and written: "CONTAINS DELICIOUS" in large font on the side. The first time I saw the billboard, I thought its message is that you can drink delicious Coca-Cola without caring about your health. The brand audience is everyone who saw the billboard, but it focuses on the people who are concerned about their health and have diabetes. I am not sure how do American citizens think about Coca-Cola because I am an international student, and I live in here for just one month. However, I feel that this billboard is created on the premise that everyone knows that Coca-Cola is delicious and trusts the quality of taste. On the billboard, the zero sugar Coca-Cola is described as "contains delicious". The word "delicious" is vague. Even though we can understand it tastes good, it is difficult to understand what dose tastes like. In my opinion, foods, and drinks that try to make them healthier than the original ones tend to taste not good because producers have to make them with limited ingredients, and consumers are unwilling to try them. So, if consumers do not know about Coca-Cola, this billboard is not attractive because they do not know the taste of it and doubt it is good. In reality, however, everyone knows Coca-Cola and has positive impressions about the company, so the billboard looks attractive. The billboard is made based on trust, so I can say it appeals to ethos.


McDonald's Brilliant Sundial Billboard (
    The other is McDonald's billboard. This is a unique sundial billboard. The shadow of a giant fork automatically shows on each menu that corresponds to the time of day recommended to eat. The brand audience is mainly everyone who saw the billboard from 6 a.m. to 11 a.m, but it is also effective after 11 a.m. because it is a unique billboard, and people show interest in it. The billboard appeals to Patos because it recommends menus that customers want unconsciously, and tries to respond to their needs. For example, at 6 a.m., many people feel sleepy and look for something that makes them wake up. So, McDonald's provides coffee for them to stay awake. At 10 a.m., people who did not eat breakfast feel hungry and look for something to eat. So, McDonald's provides them with a pancake that is perfect for the branch. Also, I think the billboard tries to inform that McDonald's has menus for breakfast and brunch as a massage. Many people think McDonald's is a burger shop chain and is the place for lunch. So, through this unique billboard, McDonald's wants to remove their prejudice against them.


Alyssa Anda, November 8,2011, Mcdonald's Brilliant Sundial BillboardMcDonald's Brilliant Sundial Billboard ( (access September 13, 2022)

Coca-Cola - SASSO, n.d., Branding & Advertising Agency::Marketing, Digital, Websites, Social, Media, Design|Baton Rouge, LoisianaCoca-Cola — SASSO* | Branding & Advertising Agency :: Marketing, Digital, Websites, Social, Media, Design | Baton Rouge, Louisiana ( (access September 12, 2022)
